Dweb Search


A decentralized Search Engine for IPFS and Filecoin.

You can search TED, Kaggle to preview some features.

  1. 1350000+ permalinks&datasets are indexed and more is on the way, including Wikipedia, Kaggle datasets, TED, Arxiv, blogs, Matters(an ipfs-blog-community), HackerNews, StackExchange, Youtube(Creative-Commons), Flicker, Free Music Archive... Free snapshot!
  2. Reward creators and sharers/curators with Filecoin&Likecoin etc. For example: search TED
  3. Users can add metadata for any content, so that it can be searched.
  4. Help store data in Dweb(pin in IPFS, store in filecoin, etc.)
For Developers
  1. Code: open-sourced & easy API. You can add metadata via API.
  2. Dweb: design new RSS, CC, etc. protocols with better incentive mechanism.
  3. Research: transparent and fun NLU&Ranking Algorithm. Discord: Dweb-Dev